Heilkunst Homeopathy
The origin of homeopathic treatment dates back over 200 years ago. It began when a German doctor named Samuel Hahnemann discovered that applying remedies that match the symptomatic expression of the person to that of which is in nature can create remediation of the given ailment. Hahnemann acknowledged that the similar disease presence could affect people in different ways. He administered remedies accordingly, to treat the particular symptoms that arose.
Heilkunst (meaning: the art of making whole) is a complete remedial system that takes homeopathic principles many steps further.
It takes the use of potentized (diluted and shaken) remedies to match the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual side of disease. We match the traumas of our clients to the amazing remedies that we have available with the intention of generating a healthier and freer individual.
We call this Sequential Timeline Treatment. In this incredible healing process we examine the emotional, physical and iatrogenic traumas that the client has endured. We also look at the moments in time in which they have been afflicted with the given problem. Then we sequentially give the appropriate remedies for each trauma! You may benefit from treatment if you wish to be free from the past and clear all of the traumas from the current moment back to birth/conception. Each traumatic event has taken a toll on your Life Force. When we suffer from our past traumas, it holds us back and it alters the path of our life’s direction. Your Heilkunst practitioner is the ultimate tour guide that should lead you to the best homeopathic remedies to support you on your life’s journey.
If you choose to book in with John Kearney (our Heilkunst Homeopathy practitioner), he can provide you with the necessary intake forms. He would need some general health information and also a list of the traumatic events that are relevant to you!
Sample Timeline (to be given by the client for the initial consult):
2020: Felt fear and frustration around the epidemic
2018: Took rounds of antibiotics for an infection
2017: death of grandfather – felt devastation and grief
2010: got fired from job – fear around finances and embarrassment
2003 – longterm romantic relationship ended
2001 – car accident – suffered whiplash
1980 – birth
Any information given would be taken and considered private and confidential.
$145 for initial consultation (tax included)
$120 for all other sessions (typically booked eight weeks apart).
Consultations are covered with every major health insurance company under the “naturopathic” component of your coverage.
How to Book a Session:
Call or Text John Kearney: (709) 693-8493
Or Email: liveandlayeredblood@gmail.com